Apple announced on Friday that it will replace defective AirPods Pro for free. If EarPods encounter ANC problems or make crackling or static sounds, the new maintenance program Cupertino Giant will provide repair and replacement. Interestingly, Apple launched AirPods Pro on October 30 a year ago.
Apple stated in its blog that a small number of AirPods Pro produced before October 2020 may have problems. Apple will replace or repair AirPods only when AirPods display the following behaviors: ---
- In a noisy environment, during exercise or during a call, add cracking or static noise
Apple does not charge for repairs. Users can do this for free through Apple authorized service providers.
However, Apple only considers repairing or replacing AirPods Pro if it finds that the repair plan covers it. Before repairs, AirPods Pro will be checked to ensure that the program includes them. AirPods Pro (left, right, or both) that are determined to have problems will be replaced.
The repair plan does not extend the warranty coverage of the device but includes the replacement of two headsets even after two years. If you encounter any problems, you can contact Apple Support, Apple Store, or an authorized service provider for product verification.
There have been reports that Apple is developing the second-generation Airpods Pro and the third-generation entry-level AirPods. According to a Bloomberg report, Apple can make the second-generation AirPods Pro more compact by removing the short stems that protrude from the bottom.
The new design under test has a more rounded shape and can be closer to the user's ears. Due to the elimination of noise, the integration of the wireless antenna and microphone into the smaller AirPods Pro housing has proven to be very difficult to develop this audio product.
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